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The Fascinating Collection of Ivan Black and Kinetrika

The Fascinating Collection of Ivan Black and Kinetrika

Square Wave was initiated out of a collaboration between the artist Ivan Black and Kinetrika. We launched the project over a year ago and as time has passed, we have been pleasantly surprised by the number of customers that write to us thanking us for such a lovely tool for relaxation and stress relief. Ivan’s…

The Mathematical Sculptures of Ivan Black

The Mathematical Sculptures of Ivan Black

Ivan Black uses iconic natural shapes to create large-scale metal structures that react to introduction of energy. He utilizes the power of mathematics to design upon the wonderful aesthetic rules of nature and to build sculptures with many layers of complexity that twist and turn in beautiful and unpredictable ways. Ivan Black artworks from left…

Regain focus and improve your ability to learn with Square Wave

Regain focus and improve your ability to learn with Square Wave

Square Wave can put our minds at ease, clear our thoughts and sharpen our ability to learn. The interactive sculpture’s natural movements can create order in your mind and help you focus. This is no figment of our imagination: recent research sustains that toys made for fidgeting help minimize stress levels while also regulating negative…