Connecting With Our Community
Since the beginning of Square Wave’s creation we have discovered that our little sculpture has had the power to impact the lives of others in a very big way. Numerous members of our community have reached out to us to inform of us of how Square Wave has helped them heal or cope with a variety of different situations. We want to set aside some time in this week’s blog to discuss some of these personal stories and many of the other therapeutic benefits Square Wave has, so we can connect with our community!
Reaching Out and Listening
From Square Wave’s genesis as a product to this very day, we continue to discover new and fascinating things about the impact a kinetic sculpture can have on someone’s life and wellbeing. We like to think that Kinetrika is a community of people joined in our appreciation of refined craftsmanship and deeply rooted ethics.
Members of our community have reached out to us with touching stories about how Square Wave has helped to sooth their loved ones dealing with the difficulties that come with ADHD, PTSD and Autism. Square Wave’s therapeutic nature is not something we originally expected, but it has now become central to our mission and values. To all those who reached out to us, to all the voices from our community, we want to thank you and let you know that we are inspired by your stories.
The Magic and Beauty of Simplicity
Today’s world can be confusing, the fast pace at which technology is making leaps and bounds in communication we never thought possible is astounding. It can sometimes seem like everything has been discovered and in a way, that the magic and beauty of simplicity is disappearing. Playing with Square Wave can be an act of meditation and grounding, because sometimes it’s important to turn off all the noise and muffled vibrations that surround us so we can power down and rejuvenate. Take Square Wave to your little corner of paradise in the woods or on a beach with waves gently grazing its crinkled edges. Wrap yourself up in the curls and furls of your Kinetic sculpture and teleport yourself to a place of peace and tranquility. Reclaim your right to rest.
Healing From The Negative
Like anything in life there is the good and the bad, the yin and the yang. Distractions are no different, there are times when we need to be distracted and there are times where we need that little boost of energy to keep us focused; the two go hand in hand. Playing with Square Wave, watching it gently spin like droplets falling off a fountain or the ripples on a lake… is relaxing, because it stops us from ruminating over our negative thoughts and anxieties.
Repetitively spinning or flicking objects has been proven to reduce anxious behaviours. This in turn improves drive and focus because you are more calm and clear headed after a bit of fidgeting. If practiced in the long term, this can reduce your overall stress levels when confronted with new negative scenarios.